Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Two nights ago I cried for three hours and yesterday I radiated heat with my irrational rage.  Mood swings in ultimate full effect.

Is this my first post BC PMS or something else? I would hypothetically get my period on Monday.   I am very bloated and my back hurts.

I am trying not to get my hopes up....but I can't stop thinking about it.

I'm going to give in and take a pregnancy test this evening when I get home.

Can't help myself.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The First Time

My libido is indeed back (yay!) and last night I was able to put it to use for the first time in my post-BC life.

Hubs and I were finally done with days of collapsing directly into bed, being too tired from moving to a 4th floor walk up in late August in NYC. 

It was a mind-switch from my whole life of not wanting to be pregs, to hoping we are a crazy anomaly and get a hole-in-one on this one.

Hubs asks me this morning: are you pregnant yet? and I brush it off like that would be absurd.  But I hadn't been able to stop myself from wondering that all night, even though I know it's really REALLY REEEEAAAAALLLLLLY unlikely.


Otherwise, I am feeling the lack of birth control in that I am a bit more emotional than usual.  Feeling anxiety, crying a bit unexpectedly.

I also feel things in my gut working in ways that I haven't felt in years. I'm guessing that it's my ovaries.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Should one go off Birth Control the weekend she is moving apartments?


Should have taken the first pill of a new pack on Friday.  My body is just realizing something is amiss while Hubs and I are in the middle of a never-ending move to a 4th floor walk up.

Poor (family) planning.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Scaring Myself on the Interwebs

Ok, Now that I am done with my active pills and have committed to the concept of not picking up a new pack, I have decided to see what the internet believes I am in for as I transition to a pill-less stage of my life:

Acne: That sucks.  I already look young, I don't need to look adolescent.

Breast Tenderness: What else is new?

Increased Sex Drive: YAY (ish).  My libido has been feeling really low lately and it would be nice to tap back into that side of me (there has to be a pun involving tapping that ass-side of me but I can't quite make it work).  Sex drive is a good thing when trying to make a bebe.
    Downside: I have always had a higher sex drive than the Hubs, so this could throw it even more out of whack.

Heightened Emotions: Dammit!  I was hoping that going off BC would make me less emotional not more.  Ah well.  It's something to try to be aware of when I start feeling the cray come on.

Heightened Sense of Smell: hmmmm, we'll see how that goes.  Late summer garbage smell in the city will be extra excellent.

Weight Loss: alright.

Cramping: Also not exciting.  I had horrible cramping before BC.  True story: I once accidentally ODed on Midol.  It can happen.

No Period/ Heavier Period/ Constant Spotting: conflicting reports, guess it's different for everyone.

Semi-Immediate Pregnancy: skeptical. 

3 is a Magic Number: Hormones will leave my system and I may ovulate within three days, I will most likely be back to an even keel in 3 months.

Also a lot of scary misinformation and smug natural living people. I need to stop looking around before I really work myself up.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

One (active) Pill Left

Makes me feel giddy and slightly vertiginous.

I know it's not an instant thing, often far from it.  But I am more immediately anxious about the changes: possibly in personality, without the hormones, but also physically.

Will my painful PMS and heavy flow from middle school return?  Will my horrendous acne?

Questions to avoid the bigger ones.

Right now I feel solid(ish) on the bigger ones: It's time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 5th

"I'm getting married on August 4th, August 5th: I'm throwing my birth control away"

That's what I've been telling people all year and now that time has come. I am going to finish the cycle though.  It seems like a bad idea to just stop abruptly.

Two active pills left.

I've been on birth control for my entire adult life. Eight years... And counting?
Who am I outside of the hormones. Will my personality change? Am I actually far less emotional and more rational than I believe I am?

I think it's time.